segunda-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2010

100 things to do before I die...

...not in this particular order.

1- See London from the top of London Eye.

2- Write a book…

3- …and publish it!

4- Fall madly in love.

5- Own a house.

6- Travel abroad with my friends.

7- Get married.

8- Plant a tree.

9- Become a godmother.

10- Touch the stones of the Coliseum of Rome.

11- Watch the sunset over Sydney Opera House.

12- Get a tattoo.

13- Have kids.

14- Host a huge party with all my friends.

15- Feel the desert sand in my face (and get inside the pyramids).

16- Walk on the Great Wall of China.

17- Pretend to be a Greek goddess on the Parthenon.

18- Ride an elephant.

19- Attend an Olympics event (Artistic Gymnastics).

20- Bungee jump or skydive.

21- Learn how to speak Italian or French.

22- Ride a plane for more than 8 hours
(and get somewhere really cool).

23- Taste more than 5 different brands of beer in one night.

24- Play in the cold freezing snow (while snowing).

25- Learn how to play
“Comptine d'un autre été: L’aprés midi” on the piano.

26- Kiss someone on the pouring rain.

27- Go camping.

28- Go to Venice during Carnival.

29- Drive a Ferrari or a Porch for a couple of hours.

30- Grow some flowers (and then give them to someone I love).

31- Go to Vatican City and not make fun of the Swiss Guard.

32- Visit the 7 continents and dip my feet on the 5 oceans.

33- Read more than 250 books (starting from January of 2010).

34- Watch a Broadway show.

35- Get a signed copy of one of
my favorite books or music albums.

36- Attend to all my friends weddings.

37- Live for more than a month on a foreign country.

38- Live as a vegetarian for one week.

39- Take a masters degree outside my country.

40- Dive in the sea after midnight.

41- Visit all the Disney Theme Parks around the world.

42- Own a dog.

43- Try the proper way to dink absinthe (in Paris course!).

44- Learn how to ride a horse .

45- See my sister’s paintings on a museum.

46- Wear a dress and feel like a princess.

47- Learn how to ski/ snowboard.

48- Eat real sushi (in Tokyo).

49- Kiss under the stars.

50- Go on a InterRail with my best friends.

51- Watch a major rock band on Wembley Stadium.

52- Take a month long vacation.

53- Shop on the Champs-Élysées.

54- Own more than 100 music CD’s.

55- Buy something from e-bay.

56- Create a photo album with all my friends.

57- Go to a spa for one weekend.

58- Ride Superman: Ride of Steel (Six Flags New England)

59- Try Paintball.

60- Take a photograph a day for a whole year.

61- Go for a late night picnic.

62- Donate blood.

63- Donate (money and time) to a kid’s charity.

64- Read a book laying on the grass.

65- Talk a foreign language for an entire day.

66- Read all Harry Potter books in one week.

67- Have a postcard from every country of the world.

68- Have ‘Alice in Wonderland’ book
in 20 different versions/languages.

69- Attend to one of the Cirque du Soleil shows.

70- See Scorpions perform.

71- Be the owner of a Kindergarten/ Pre-school.

72- Bargain on a Moroccan street market.

73- Fold 1000 origami cranes (and make a wish).

74- Go to a Foo Fighters concert.

75- Touch a dolphin.

76- Watch all James Bond movies.

77- Toss a coin and make a wish at the Trevi Fountain.

78- Improve my English.

79- Decorate my Christmas tree with random ornaments.

80- Visit and explore the Louvre from the opening to closing time.

81- Write a letter to “forgive and forget” that one girl.

82- Live in the country for more than a month.

83- Learn how to dance.

84- Volunteer abroad.

85- Teach Portuguese in a foreign country
(or to a foreign student).

86- Make a public speech and don’t get sick.

87- Cook for more than 20 people.

88- Learn how to cook sushi properly.

89- Win a game of Monopoly.

90- Spend a night in a 5 star hotel.

91- Jump in a trampoline.

92- Have Ben& Jerry’s ice cream for lunch.

93- Win something.

94- Play with a kite.

95- Go to/organize a costume party.

96- Stare at the world from the top of the
Empire State Building.

97- Travel on a cruise ship.

98- Improve my sewing skills.

99- Keep a journal for one year.

100- Finish this list and start a new one!

1 comentário:

  1. Mãos ao trabalho!!
    Uma lista com coisas fantásticas, espero que as consigas realizar todinhas e que no fim ainda tenhas oportunidade de fazer outra lista =D

    Vamos lá ver se te faço companhia nalguns deles...
    O 59 vamos fazer de certeza LOL

    À medida que fores realizando vai-me informando, adoro saber que consegues realizar os teus objectivos...

    E sei que os vais realizar a todos, porque tu tens força de vontade e és uma lutadora =D
    É isso que mais admiro em ti =D

    Porta-te bem... mal LOL

    Muitas bjokitas docinhas para o "meu doce de amiga" =D


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